Instagram: danaminz

Dana Munzert

by Kip Fiene

Dana carefully approaches human emotions through sculpture, photography, painting, faces, zines … 

Which gestures and expressions do we use to show ourselves? Do we show ourselves purposefully, unknowingly or not at all? Masks, to mask oneself, to let a mask fall, to show oneself. Which kind of feelings and their expressions are pleasant, painful, bearable, bad or even repulsive? Dana employs masks and photos to document her curious search for these emotions.

An experiment: defying uncomfortable emotions. Wonder, frustration and even disgust expand themselves through viewing and interacting with objects that Dana makes. Words and sketches supply us with questions and, at the same time, provide answers before asking more questions and so on … Her work illuminates shadows and nightmares so that we may inspect them more closely. Areas of interest are opened as we avoid or fail to avoid falling stones.