Julian Schomäker

by Hannah Moraw

A suspended concrete block, bare skin, cigarette filters clenched between the teeth, a building site fence in the studio, keystrokes, screaming, rhythmic noise, structures on paper, bright orange flashing from inside a jacket, 10 minutes before Kolloquium starts. 

Julian Schomäker makes multimedial art and often works with installation, performance and etchings. He‘s not only an art student, but also studies philosophy: he asks me if I‘ve read Arendt and talks about singularity. His works center around interpersonal relationships, approximation, emotions and power relations: sometimes tender, sometimes brutal. Concrete is a reappearing sight. A little bit of pathos, too. What he shows is an excerpt, created from his own point of view. In the beginning, there‘s a tangible thought, purposefully positioned, but the way he confronts his subjects is sensitive, emotionally curated, intuitive and impulsive - after all, he‘s a slob, (or maybe not) deep down.